Free Response and MCQ

What does CRUD stand for?

What are the HTTP verbs associated with each CRUD action?

What is jQuery?

jQuery is a JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML and JavaScript structure, enhance event handling for HTTP requests, and facilitate asynchronous requests for dynamic web page updates. It streamlines DOM manipulation, making frontend JavaScript more readable and logical.

jQuery Event Handler for a Data Table

Match A, B, and C into the jQuery event handler:

Formatted Event Handler:

$(C).on(A, B, function() { });

Why do we use jQuery with CRUD?

jQuery is employed in CRUD operations to ease frontend management. Its dynamic syntax allows easy access to specific frontend elements, enabling updates of multiple values simultaneously with backend data. This approach simplifies frontend JavaScript, enhancing readability and logic.

POPCORN HACK: CRUD Implementation in Cancer Research Project

Tri 1 Project Overview

Project Context

In our first trimester project, we focused on cancer research, specifically dealing with a database containing various types of cancer. This project was an excellent opportunity to implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, which are fundamental in managing database interactions.

CRUD Element Focus: Read Operation

Implementation of ‘Read’ in Our Project

The Read operation in CRUD was a critical component in our cancer research project. Here’s how we implemented it:

Data Retrieval:

User Interface Interaction:

Backend Processing:

Impact and Importance

The Read operation was vital in our project as it provided the necessary interface between our rich database of cancer information and the end-users, primarily researchers and medical professionals. By efficiently implementing this CRUD element, we were able to offer valuable insights and contribute to the field of cancer research.

This implementation showcases the practical application of CRUD operations in a real-world project, emphasizing the importance of efficient data handling and user interaction in database-driven applications.

Finish the update JQUERY Function

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