
Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 The program's function is described in the program's inputs and outputs but not in the program's purpose, which is also poorly described.
Data Abstraction 0 0 The list includes two distinct code segments, but it doesn't state what they are used for.
Managing Complexity 0 0 There is absolutely nothing here..
Procedural Abstraction 1 0 demonstrates that the action is being called.
Algorithm Implementation 0 0 There is a loop with iteration and sequencing, however it is not well explained..
Testing 1 1 He demonstrates that he was competent to meet all the demands made of him.


Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 It demonstrates how well the software was executed..
Data Abstraction 1 1 There are two code segments that demonstrate how to store a list and call it from a procedure..
Managing Complexity 1 1 He does a great job of illustrating the complexity of the problem..
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 employs procedures and does so successfully.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The algorithm integrates seamlessly with the rest of the program.
Testing 1 1 Analogrithm demonstrating that it addresses all of the various aspects and displaying a respectable level of complexity.


Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 It demonstrates how well the program was managed. With inputs and outputs, programming runs smoothly.
Data Abstraction 1 1 demonstrates two pieces of code and explains the significance of the list's meaning.
Managing Complexity 1 1 By managing multiple, difficult alternatives in lists, he effectively illustrates the issue's complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 displays a function with input parameters. Shows that it was also called inside the framework of the program.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The algorithm integrates seamlessly with the rest of the program.
Testing 1 1 explains two calls, the conditions they each test, and the outcomes of each.


Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 It demonstrates how well the program was managed.
Data Abstraction 0 0 There is a list here, but it doesn't say what it's for, which is a concern.
Managing Complexity 0 0 includes a list, but the complexity is not managed by the list.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 employs procedures and does so successfully.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The algorithm integrates seamlessly with the rest of the program.
Testing 1 0 describes both calls and the circumstances