My Role In The Project

Requriements for college Board

Program function and purpose

  • The purpose of my program is to help users login to the website.
  • (functionality): My program works so users can log in and get more and better content for the website.
  • The user first registers by inputing their username, password and email, then they can log in through the log in area.
  • the output of the program is that the user gets access to the website.

Data Abstraction

  • name of collection type: LogIn
  • data in this class is the LogIn Information that the user inputs.

Managing Complexity

  • without the use of a div and other things the inputed data would be very unorganized and not clean.

Procedural Abstraction

  • A Database is crucial when creating a log in page, since it allows data from the user to be stored so once they register the database will remeber their registration and be able to log in.

Algorithm Implentation

  • this describes the process input going to the backend database and sent back to the frontend.


  • First Call: User inputs their registration information and clicks register.
  • conditions being tested: checks if data is valid and and can be added to the database
  • Data will be stores so user can use it for their log in.

  • Second Call: If users enter invalid data into the field, such as not putting and email in the email portion.

  • conditions being tested: checks if data is valid for every portion so it can be put into the database.
  • result: program will result in saying, pleaase enter a correct email, password, or username.

My portion of the CPT Project is our Independent Sport Physical Education (ISPE) page.

  • This page allows a person to log in and register to recieve better features on the website.
  • Page is inted to help people log into the website
  • Form where students input their , User Id, and password of their choosing for register and enter their User ID and Password from their registration into the login.
  • WHen they login or sign up, they will get access to the website.
  • Implents CRUD since it will have options for user to add, edit, and delete their data.

Code Plan


  • See if user inputed a proper value for every portion like the email.
  • Frotent recieves data from the backend data stored.


  • Create the database in which the registration info can be saved.

Video Plan

In the video I will demonstrate:

  • User inputs their information in the certain fields and hits register or log in.
  • User Id
  • Email
  • Password

output: new features on the website when redirected.