Design of the quiz : I am planning the design to be about basketball and the three questions are going to be about the MVP in basketball and how stephen curry looks like and the best player on the Lakers at this momment who did the best overall. I will make a thing where if the person gets it wrong i will let the person choose if they want to try again or move onto next question and I will do this with a function try again and next question. Then I will create a variable questions and put all my if statements such as if player clicks correct move to correct screen or if person clicks incorrect go to the incorrect slide. I will get all my images from google.

Review Running example: Something I can do to imporve this program is to tell the person who is taking the quiz if it is incorrect or not instead of the person clicking all the answers to find the right one. Another thing is to create a final page saying that you finished the quiz. quiz Purpose and function The purpose of this quiz is about basketball and asks about the MVP of the year 2022 and few other questions. If you get the question wrong you have the option to retry again or move onto the next question.

Managing Complexity: Some things I did to manage complexity is to plan out everything before I did it and if any error comes up I look through the whole code and try to run it and see how it would run and then I would fix it from there. Another thing is I would ask a partner for help If I am stuck on a problem with my code. I would also check all my functions and see if they are correct and my variables match my screen and button or text names.

Problems that occured: Some problems that occured during the process was my not getting the right variable names and like capitlization of the buttons or the screen name so I had to go through everything and look closely at everything and match every screen button and text "Id" into the code. Another problem that occured was that it would not let me see the blocks so i restarted my computer and the code and it worked. Another problem was the thing was stuck in a loop and the question would not move to the next screen so I removed the loop and fixed it from there.